
Delivery first

January - April 2022 - Genesis

The beginning of everything. Developed smart contracts, landing page, code reviews, put together a team. Everything here was happening in the background. No social media or anything.

May 2022 - Social, Marketing

Set up twitter, discord, telegram. Slowly building an audience in this extreme bear market.

June 2022 - Testnet, Marketing 2.0, Collabs

Testnet LIVE until July 5th. Check it out here: Our social media has grown incredibly, with an active discord and twitter. Multiple completed collabs/partnerships with other NFT projects and more to come in the future.

July 2022 - Main game launch

LAUNCH DATE: July 9th, 2022. On this day, the following features will be launched: * Collect daily energy * Free Asteroid Drill minting * Upgrading the Asteroid Drill * Stake in Gades to start earning Iron * Convert Iron to Cosmic Cash

August 2022 - More features

Features in the pipeline to be added after the launch include: * Oberon, a new Asteroid that can be staked in. Produced Cobalt * More Asteroid Drills released * Amplifiers - unique NFTs that you can only mint with in game resources. They can permanently boost production of asteroids and planets * Refinery - refine your basic resources into exotic ones, increasing their value and giving them additional utility

September 2022 - Avalanche Testnet & Mainnet

Start testing on Avalanche, our first cross chain destination. * New Planet Drills will be released * New Planets to stake drills in producing new resources: Silver, Bismuth, Ruby * New relics

Q4 2022 - Multi chain app, in house NFT marketplace

We will go cross chain onto Solana, Polygon and ETH Mainnet. Additionally, we will build a native NFT marketplace that will allow unique ways of selling, trading, and other p2p interactions. In the native marketplace you can sell everything that the game offers including Drill NFTs, Relic NFTs, resources. You will be able to lend your refineries and other manufacturing equipment to other players as well.

Q1 2023 - iOS and Android app

By releasing a mobile app for our game, we will diversify our user base to players outside of crypto, creating the first ever protocol that seamlessly integrates with regular apps. Users will not be able to tell the difference between a crypto native player and a regular player.

Last updated