Tokenomics FAQ

Will the treasury ever sell Cosmic Cash in the open market? No, the treasury will never sell Cosmic Cash in the open market for any reason.

Will the treasury ever add liquidity using CSC but not its FTM component? No, this will involve selling in the open market.

Will the treasury perform over the counter (OTC) trades using Cosmic Cash? Yes, the treasury is allowed to sell CSC over the counter to any buyer that's paying the market price. This ensures low price volatility, especially during times of low liquidity (in the beginning).

Will the treasury ever give away CSC? Yes, the treasury can, within reason, give away CSC for things like airdrops or special in game events. These reasons must abide by the treasury's rules, values and priorities.

Can insiders or the team buy CSC? Yes, any team member and insider can buy CSC. These actions will be disclosed in monthly transparency reports.

Last updated