Mine Empire $GEM

The Mine Empire token will serve as the DeFi protocol token. GEM will be used to fund expansions and scale the game. In the future, it will serve as the governance token and will be used for profit sharing. GEM also gives users the ability to invest into the protocol by just buying the token instead of playing the game. When free cash flow is achieved, GEM holders will be rewarded with GEM buy backs.

Initial Supply

On launch, 1,000 GEM is minted to the protocol treasury and 9,000 is minted to the vesting wallet. View the vesting wallet here. The initial 1,000 GEM will be used to create liquidity for the token. The first pool is The Empire's Anthem on Beets.fi which consists of 80% GEM, 10% FTM, 10% USDC. As users buy and sell GEM, the % ownership of GEM by the treasury can fluctuate.

Release - 106 weeks

Over 106 weeks, the vesting wallet will release the remaining 9,000 GEM tokens to the treasury. The treasury then has the final decision on how to use these tokens.

Max Supply

After the 106 weeks, no new GEM tokens can be added. 10,000 is the maximum supply for GEM. By this time, a DAO will be established where GEM token holders will have voting rights and governance power over the treasury and the future of Mine Empire.


Here are examples of what the treasury CAN do with its GEM tokens: ✅ Perform OTC trades ✅ Offer them as bribes when it comes to voting on dex emissions ✅ Offer them as incentives for certain activities in the game ✅ Offer them as incentives for staking certain assets or LP positions ✅ Use them as a form of payment for marketing purposes ✅ Use them as an investment tool for future investors who want to acquire a large % of the protocol ✅ Add to the existing GEM liquidity in proportion with the pair currency (ie, add GEM/FTM)


Here are examples of what the treasury CANNOT do with its GEM tokens: ❌ Sell in the open market ❌ Undervalue GEM when it comes to OTC transactions ❌ Give away without a logged value transaction ❌ Add to the existing GEM liquidity WITHOUT the proportion of the pair currency (ie, sell half of GEM for FTM then add GEM/FTM)

Last updated